Arkanoid clone


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This is the code for an arkanoid clone based on local-guru‘s. I decided to use it to explain how to bring vector graphics from illustrator into a game framework in processing using the Pshape object. I have commented as much as possible the original code to allow for an easy implementation.

* a arkanoid clone by
* use the mouse to play

slightly modyfied by
Replacing graphic elements with pshape

int px, py;
int vx, vy;
PShape ship;
PImage back;

boolean paused = true;
boolean done = true;
int[][] stones;

void setup() {
ship = loadShape("ship3.svg");// vector loader
back=loadImage("bg.png");//raster loader
px = width/2; //position of ball x
py = height-70;//initial position of ball y

vx = int(random( -25, 25 ));//initial speed
vy = -40;

stones = new int[31][17]; //two dimesnional array of stones
for( int x = 0; x < 31; x++) { for( int y = 0; y < 17; y++ ) { stones[x][y] = y + 1; } } textFont( loadFont( "font.vlw" )); } void draw() { //shape(bg,0,0);// needs to be a simple image in this case we rasterize background(back); stroke(60); strokeWeight(1); noCursor(); // update postion of the ball if (!paused) update(); // draw all stones that are not removed yet // check if all are gone done = true; for( int x = 0; x < 31; x++) { for( int y = 0; y < 17; y++ ) { //create new rows or columns of elements if ( stones[x][y] > 0 ) {
done = false;
fill( 1 + 10 * stones[x][y],145,52,200 );//this is an array for the gradient fill
rect( 10 + x * 40, 10 + y * 20, 40, 20 ); //this is the stone design

// no stone remaining - display yippie message
if ( done ) {
paused = true;
textSize( 48 );
text( "JIPPIE!", 50, 200 );

// display text if paused
if ( paused ) {
textSize( 16 );
text( "press mousebutton to continue", 10, 650 );

//draw starts here

// draw paddle
shape( ship, mouseX+106, height-280, ship.width/3, ship.height/3 ); // here we locate the new vector file considering width of graphic

// draw ball

void update() {
// check if ball dropped out of the lower border
if ( py + vy > height - 10 ) {
px = width/2;
py = height-70; // make the distances relative to size of the screen
vx = int(random( -40, 40 )); //change speed here too
vy = -19;
paused = true;

// check if the ball hits a block
for( int x = 0; x < 31; x++) { for( int y = 0; y < 17; y++ ) { if ( stones[x][y] > 0 ) {
if ( px + vx + 10 > 10 + x * 40 && px + vx - 10 < 10 + x * 40 + 40 && py + vy + 10 > 10 + y * 20 && py + vy - 10 < 10 + y * 20 + 20 ) { stones[x][y] = 0; // change the velocity in y direction if the block has been hit // on the bottom or on the top if ( px + 10 > 10 + x * 40 && px - 10 < 10 + x * 40 + 40 ) vy = -vy; // change the velocity in the x direction if the block has been hit on the side if ( py + 10 > 10 + y * 20 && py - 10 < 10 + y * 20 + 20 ) vx = -vx; } } } } // change the direction if the ball hits a wall if (px + vx < 10 || px + vx > width - 10) {
vx = -vx;

if (py + vy < 10 || py + vy > height - 10) {
vy = -vy;

// check if the paddle was hit
// change the place where you want the ball to be matched with mouseX
// take into consideration the height of your vector file
if ( py + vy >= height-80 && px >= mouseX - 53 && px <= mouseX +53 ) { //change these values to map boundaries of ship, need to know size of ship vy = -vy; vx = int(map( px - mouseX, -33, 33, -18, 18 )); } // calculate new postion px += vx; py += vy; } void mousePressed() { paused = !paused; if (done) { for( int x = 0; x < 31; x++) { for( int y = 0; y < 17; y++ ) { stones[x][y] = y + 1; } } done = false; px = width/2; py = height/2; vx = int(random( -40, 40 )); vy = -18; } }

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